Digital Media

Kerry Hood 9/5/17

As a sophomore starting as a new graphic design major, I have to take all five Foundations courses before taking and Intro to graphic design course. One of those five is Digital Media. Since I have only been to one class, I have only learned the basics leading into coding and how you can use that to create simple shapes and lines on a blank canvas. Although it was difficult at first to get the hang of, it will definitely come in handy for more projects in the future.
I have always liked art but never thought that I would want to major in it or do anything with art for a career. Starting my freshman year, I was majoring in Sports Management then changed to Marine Bio. Towards the end of my freshman year, I realized that I did not like either of those majors and decided to try out art as a major instead of just a hobby, which is why I am now in Graphic Design with hopes to work with advertising. So far I am enjoying all of my art classes and am looking forward to more next semester.
Throughout this course I expect to learn more about how to combine technology and art together. I'm not completely sure yet how this course will help me or contribute to reaching my goals, but I'm sure that at least one thing I learn in this class can help me with my future career plans.


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